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发布时间: 2022-06-13 05:21:00

㈠ 《教父》人物用英文评价

Michael Corleone
Michael is cold-blooded, ruthless, smart, and determined. His ability to think clearly under fire, to be decisive, and to command respect makes him an excellent Godfather. Of Vito’s children, he is certainly the best candidate to take over the family. But Michael was never supposed to get involved in the Mafia. He was supposed to become a senator, perhaps even president. Even when he does begin working for his father, he doesn’t seem fully reconciled to the decision. He promises Kay before they marry that the family will become “legitimate” soon. Over twenty years later, in The Godfather Part III, he still seeks this legitimacy. Unlike Vito, who appears at ease in the role of Godfather, Michael is burdened by the responsibility. One senses that he views himself as a sacrificial hero, slaving away for the rest of the family, sacrificing his soul for the well-being of those around him. In many ways, Michael’s story is a familiar one in American mythology: that of the immigrant’s child. He achieves great heights of success, just as his hard-working immigrant parents hoped for him, but at considerable personal cost. In Michael’s case, this cost is to his family life, as he loses his wife and children.
Michael can also be seen as a classical tragic figure. Immensely talented and powerful, he is undone by tragic flaws: his insatiable desire for vengeance, which creates a web of violence and recrimination that he cannot escape; his illusions of omnipotence, which blind him to the fact that achieving legitimacy is impossible; and his sense of being perpetually at war, which never allows him a moment of rest. At the end of Part III, Michael dies alone in the yard of his Sicilian villa. The death of his daughter, Mary, has sealed his fate, severing his ties forever with the rest of the family, the family that he tried to save and bring to legitimacy. Instead, he brought them only pain and death. If Vito is an ideal, almost romantic figure who might make the naïve viewer want to live the gangster life, Michael’s tale has a corrective effect. His life is tragic and his pain immense

㈡ 用英语表达为什么喜欢电影《教父》

What a shocking movie! Most incredible achievement movie ever that directed by famous Francis Ford Coppola. The greatest 3-part gangster movie made him won 47th Academy Award in Directing 1974. He is from a superb and legendary movie family. His nephew is the superstar Nicolas Cage, his daughter is also a famous director, Sofia Coppola. The casting of Godfather serial saga is unprecendented: Marlon Brando, Rober De Niro, Al Pacino, Robert Duval, Diane Keaton, all these superstars are Academy winners too.The Movie were so close to describe what really happened in 1950 American gangster story. even it said some part of underground hero style which challenge the sociaty value that moment. The great saga was going through almost 2 decades. the amazing one was Part to Part 3 it took over 16 years long. length of 3 movies was over 520 minutes, it means almost 9 hours, an epic movies truly. Though it took such a long time. it still captured the heart and focus from all fans.I have been seen twice of each part and why? Such a greatest saga woulc never showup up in our history again. superb story, director, actors and actress, film, editing, it could never had such a combination again. countless words for me to describe the greatest epic movies.

㈢ 用英语写出电影教父的主要内容几句话就可以

The story begins as "Don" Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia "family", oversees his daughter's wedding with his wife Carmela. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father's business. Through Michael's life the nature of the family business becomes clear. The business of the family is just like the head of the family, kind and benevolent to those who give respect, but given to ruthless violence whenever anything stands against the good of the family. Don Vito lives his life in the way of the old country, but times are changing and some don't want to follow the old ways and look out for community and "family". An up and coming rival of the Corleone family wants to start selling drugs in New York, and needs the Don's influence to further his plan. The clash of the Don's fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especially from Michael, all for the sake of the family.

㈣ 电影《教父》

The Godfather 教父的影评



中层的表现说的是家族纽带的不可割舍。传统意大利人很像中国人,家族感很强,有点温州人沾亲带故成群结队发财的那种味道。一部分当然是出于情感,但更多的部分是生存法则。移民来到陌生的美国,要生存下去,就要互相依靠,他们来的时候一无所有,有的只是自己人。纯真少年麦克先只是突遭家庭变故为了保护父亲而杀人,后来转变为能对费雷德说出:“你是我的哥哥,我爱你,但如果你再帮着外人拆自己人的台,我绝不饶恕你。” 麦克真是个聪明人,一点就通。山尼残暴而恋亲,为了妹妹没有杀死卡洛,麦克从不乱杀人却连眼睛都不眨一下就让姐姐成为寡妇,因为麦克深谙游戏规则,他不为复仇而复仇,他为更大的责任而负责。毕竟一次背叛就有二次背叛,身边的蛀虫总有一天会咬死全家,姐姐的个人痛苦不予考虑也不能考虑,一时心软就会有全盘的覆灭。正如汤姆对山尼说过的:“一切都是business,包括他们对你父亲的枪杀,要用理智不要感情用事。”山尼没听进,麦克却听进了,所以同理,杀死姐夫也是business的一部分,背叛的人要付出代价,是整顿肃清的一部分,是家族翻身的一部分。麦克从天然的家族情感里升华,所以他能够成为新教父,而山尼不懂关窍就只能命丧黄泉。选择是有限的,不是赢就是输,不是生就是死,没所谓置身事外,这又回到第一层的含义了。




㈤ 请一篇电影《教父》的影评



这个“浪漫主义”头衔我之前很难理解,至少电影中的仇杀和血腥场景也没少出现。在这种浪漫与写实之间,自己也本不了解其界定的出发点。后来,马丁·斯克塞斯的《Good Fellow》给了我一个鲜明的比对。《Good Fellow》告诉我,现实中的黑帮其实是十分粗鄙的,而这种东西拍成电影简直让我看不下去。反观《教父》,它是装点得如此富丽堂皇的电影。在片中,维托·科里昂实际是黑帮老大,但他冠上了教父这个身份,而且这绝不单单是名号上的区别。我相信电影所要描写的不再是那种寻衅滋事的黑帮组织的杀戮和战争游戏,而转向了科里昂家族的人物命运这个话题。他们如同当时社会背景下的一个特殊阶层,这个阶层在新生都市的纷乱逐鹿中产生(如同《纽约黑帮》所描述的背景)。作为后来的幸存者掌握了强大的权势和财力,触手伸及各方各面,甚至还能充当平民的保护神,看似强大无比。但实际上,家族的生存始终是一个艰难的问题,他们不仅要参与黑帮间的明争暗斗,在从社会的黑暗代表努力转向社会主流的道路中更碰到了不可逾越的障碍,在时代的发展中举步维艰。这就像一场不可逆转的悲剧,无数的枪杀洗底,甚至包括对自己的亲友手下,让人简直有些麻木了,这场悲剧就是从《教父》第一部开始。马里奥·皮左和科波拉的对一切的诠释是戏剧化的,在科里昂家族的经营中,产生了激烈的叛乱挣扎,涉及政府、亲信及各方各面,又加入了细腻的感情戏成分,取材对一部电影来说太宏大了。对比其它的黑帮题材,别人通常只能挖出一小块题材来拍一部电影,而《教父》这个题材如果引申出去,却完全可以超越“黑帮”这个主题,映射到更广的方面。


这又是一个广泛使用的评语。《教父》中给我印象最深的还是马龙·白兰度演绎的维托·科里昂。之前看这部时,电影我对马龙·白兰度缺乏了解,只觉这个维托·科里昂很有特色的表演。后来,电影《现代启示录》却使我惊奇发现,白兰度的两次表演竟然犹如变身,原来白兰度并不是本身就看起来是那样。那他又怎么会想到在演教父时,把下颚弄得像塞棉花,用沙哑沉稳的配音,连姿态也处理得绝妙,细品他的表演还真是觉得高山仰止。更绝妙的是,在第二部中还能找到生性沉稳的德尼罗做对应就。在我看来,维托·可里昂在电影中是塑造成近似神的人物。他眼光锐利,处事不失大气。而同样拥有智慧的第二代教父————麦克·可里昂(by Al·Paccino)却总是过于太锋芒。不可否认,两代教父同样睿智,但维托在做重大决定时会选择温和的手法,他愿意放弃纽约的势力来谋求帮派间的和解,保全家人的性命。在维托这种气派面前,我要开始同情麦克。他承担其家庭事业首先违背了自己的初衷,一旦陷入这份事业后,却简直无法自拔。麦克是悲剧的最大承担着,他毫不留情地洗底手下和亲信,铲除一切威胁势力,而且很难说这种激进的做法不明智,因为这往往是维持家族事业所必需的,就在那种被判频繁到疯狂的境地。然而背起这个包袱也意味着其它方面惨痛的损失,亲情、爱情方面。我一直很欣赏电影的结尾,在背景音乐中,大门被关上,然后是Kay的一个特写,这给人一种强烈的隔绝感。Al·Paccino的刚性演绎持续到了门后远影这一幕,却预示着不免已经踏上不归路。或许第二代教父要承担的东西太多了。Al·Paccino似乎用一种冷峻来表现,他的表情似乎始终如一,做事毫不犹豫,不留情面。我觉得除了这种冷峻的气质,没有什么能支撑人负担起这个沉重的包袱?


此时此刻,在imdb上,《教父》仍然一骑绝后尘,以9.1/10 (130,668 votes)稳居top1,Won 3 Oscars。

㈥ 求一段关于《教父1》的英文影评(500字左右),可以任选角度

影片的一开始,是殡仪馆老板向V阐述自己女儿的不幸遭遇。这时候的镜头里,只有殡仪馆老板在表演。但是随着镜头的拉远,我们可以看见有人在看着他,就像我们看着他一样。当殡仪馆老板讲述不下去的时候,V轻轻的一招手,有人立刻送上一杯酒,让我们知道了,此刻这间房间中,出来这两个人,还有其他人,而且可以初步认定,是V的手下,很亲近的手下。让殡仪馆老板提出要求后,V的眼神跟着他,镜头给成了房间的全景。我们可以发现,房间中的另外两个人,一个站着,一个坐着。这似乎暗示了他们之间的关系:同为V的左右手,但是显然TOM的意见更加重要些。而这时,V拒绝了殡仪馆老板的请求,或者应该说是要求。老板显得很急切,他告诉教父:你要什么,我都给你。显然,他低估了V。这样的话语简直可以视作是对V的侮辱。而V慢条斯理的教育了殡仪馆老板,他说话的语气,和殡仪馆老板形成了鲜明对比。 而此时V语句中的重点,显然并不是觉得殡仪馆老板给的报酬不够,而是他反复提到的一个词:友谊。我想这就是老V最吸引人的地方,他在影片中始终游走在道德底线的周围,却从不越雷池一步。在后面他与索伦索谈判的时候提到过自己的生意:赌博只是些无伤大雅的事业。他行事的手段残忍而血腥,但是却总是出师有名,他用非法的手段笼络政客维护自己正当的生意(赌博业在当时并不违法)。

㈦ 求电影《教父》的英文影评~!~!~!~!~!~!~!急求


㈧ 电影教父的影评

1、拿屠刀的优雅绅士 “我准备向他提出一个他不可能拒绝的条件。”这就是他的谈判技巧。他是一手拿马丁尼,一手拿屠刀的优雅绅士;是谈着肮脏买卖,穿着高贵西装的职业刽子手;他只需要一个手势,便可以让别人身家难保;也只肖一个微笑便足以将干戈化成玉帛。他们是令人敬畏的角色,同时也是善舞的刺客,无论是政客还是殡葬馆老板,似乎永远都在等待聆听着他温文尔雅的召唤,只因他那高贵的承诺“总有一天——也许这一天永远也不会到来,我会让你为我做件事情。但在那一天到来之前,请在我女儿的婚礼上接受正义,这也算是我送给你的一件礼物!”那么,是什么赋予了教父如此深邃的魔力?让他只是坐在那里,那间黑暗屋子的一角,就仿佛置身于宇宙黑洞的中央。人们尊敬他,爱他,也畏惧他,他是如此复杂,也如此深沉。红色的血与礼服的黑色是电影《教父》中最凝重的基调。教父了不起的地方在于,他深知自己作为“地下皇帝”所肩负的责任,如《蜘蛛侠》中那一句:权力越大责任越大一样。所以他永远恪守着自己的信条,决不贩毒害人。为此他拒绝了毒枭素洛佐的要求。也正是如此,《教父》告诉了我们,只要你可以体面地面对这个世界,你也就可以体面地活着。所以,他可以漫不经心地与政界高层人物游刃有余的交往,从社会的最底层到最上层,他也可以编织出一张无形而繁杂的大网。于是,无论是家族利益的纷争还是手足相残的诡计,教父似乎永远拥有掌控一切的能力与气魄,孤立于芸芸众生之上,俯瞰苍穹。
2、一切不能回头,按照江湖规矩办 据说《教父》前后三集拍了18年,关于这书和这电影的评论已经是汗牛充栋了。黑帮片和江湖片的经典之作应该非它莫属---最近的《无间道》似有出椽之势。引人的故事得力于原着魅力,其中的音乐现在比电影本身流传更甚,我只能谈演员的表演了。马龙-白兰度饰演的老教父永远是有些漫不经心有些玩世不恭的绅士派头-----他已经不需要使用外在的暴力和威压了,他混沌不清的话音,每一个字都是可以改变外面世界,都可以引起人间纷乱。这也许就是所谓老男人身上散发的抓人之处----一切尽在掌握。他甚至不需要别人的回报,只要别人承认他是教父,接受他的友谊。这完全是一个强势者的心态,登峰造极的自我实现感。对此,我们也不难理解,为什么当今之世这么多所谓成功人士/财富精英,都喜欢以一种亲和的示范性的做派示于人前。男人就是需要人们崇拜如神。为了这种幻觉,他们不惜一切手段。我还是喜欢比尔-盖茨的回答,为什么我这么有钱?也许,是上帝给我的运气。所以,我认为马龙-白兰度的表演太真实了,也许这也是他的本色。帕西诺饰演的麦克,从一个纯真的战争英雄好青年,一步步成长为狠毒阴险的新教父,表演也极有层次。当他在老教父葬礼上冷眼看着其他帮派老大假惺惺的吊唁,他阴骘冷峻的目光仿佛在透出寒意----他已经决定了,一切尽在掌握,一切不能回头,按照江湖规矩办。 我在发哥的《上海滩》里同样看到这样的眼神,也许,一个男人当他决定不择手段地成为弱肉强食世界里的最强者时,他接近了男人原始的动物本性。 3、安息吧,我尊敬的教父 我最爱的电影是《教父》。在这一点上,我可以同许多男人达成共识。马龙的表演实在令人心折。在少年时代,我深深着迷,甚至模仿他那含混不清的说话方式,却并不成功。一个平凡的小人物,喊破了嗓子也找不到认真的听众,那个口齿不清的教父,却没人敢忽略他说出的每一个字。他总是面无表情,背后却潜藏着不可忽视的力量——一种优雅的狂暴、平静的残忍、化妆的邪恶,如同毒蛇与猛虎的混合体。他轻蔑地说,“让我开一个你无法拒绝的条件”——这是男人的威权;他温和地说:“不经常与家人呆在一起的男人,永远也成不了真正的男人。”——这是男人的价值。而事实不是这样的。那个真实的教父,生活中的马龙·白兰度,是个十足的混蛋,他的家族则是一窝混蛋。




上世纪50年代初,马龙步入影坛,开始辉煌之旅。他拿下了七次奥斯卡提名,两次奥斯卡奖。与此同时,他不停地结婚离婚,生下一大堆性情阴郁的子女。他的妻子总在争吵,他的情妇总在自杀,他的子女则陷入无尽的麻烦。 马龙的大儿子克里斯蒂安·白兰度吸毒、私藏武器、干非法交易、与父亲的情妇吉尔上床(吉尔后来在汽车上自杀)。切娜是白兰度的小女儿。这个太阳般美丽的姑娘在家中得不到关爱,就到毒品中寻求慰藉。


记者问马龙是否感到应为这种乱糟糟的局面承担责任,他说:“当一只海鸥从2000人头上飞过,谁知道它掉下的羽毛会落在哪里?” 然而,马龙真的可以把沉重的罪过当成轻浮的羽毛?他仿佛中了诅咒,正如他在《巴黎最后的探戈》中说过的台词:“你一直是孤单的,你无法逃脱寂寞的感觉,直到你死去。”——隐然就是他一生写照。




㈨ 急求《教父》的英文影评

The New York Times | Vincent Canby
One of the most brutal and moving chronicles of American life ever designed within the limits of popular entertainment. [16 Mar 1972]

Washington Post | Desson Thomson
A great American picture, full of incredible images and lasting moments.

LA Weekly | F. X. Feeney
The Godfather traces the arc of this doomed idealism with a beauty that is still fresh.

Chicago Reader | Dave Kehr
Sharp, entertaining, and convincing--discursive, but with a sense of structure and control that Coppola hasn't achieved since.

Los Angeles Times | Kenneth Turan
Overflowing with life, rich with all the grand emotions and vital juices of existence, up to and including blood. And its deaths, like that of Hotspur in "Henry IV, Part I," continue to shock no matter how often we've watched them coming. [16 Mar 1997, Calendar, p.7]

Chicago Tribune | Michael Wilmington
Brando made Don Vito something we rarely see in movies: a tragicomic villain-hero, a vulnerable hood. The don is so close to a comic character -- the movie itself is so close to comedy -- that Brando's capacity to move us in the role is doubly impressive. At the end, it is the older Godfather's tenderness and sagacity we recall. [21 Mar 1997, Friday, p.A]

San Francisco Examiner | Barbara Shulgasser
A handbook on cinematic lucidity. All events are described clearly. Motives of all the characters are set right there on the table next to the pasta for our consideration.

TV Guide | Staff (Non Credited)
The Godfather is a generational saga; it's also an action film; but above all, it catches the imagination of audiences because it suggests that the career of a gangster is not so very different from the career of a businessman or a politician.

Film Threat | Ron Wells
One warning however: James Caan's shoulder hair, when seen on this size screen, may frighten children considerably (you'll at least want to discuss it openly after the show, answering any questions your kids may have in an honest and direct manner).

Austin Chronicle | Marjorie Baumgarten
Just about as great as a movie's ever gonna be... As for the storytellng, The Godfather is an intricately constructed gem that simultaneously kicks ass.

ReelViews | James Berardinelli
The picture is a series of mini-climaxes, all building to the devastating, definitive conclusion... It was carefully and painstakingly crafted. Every major character - and more than a few minor ones - is molded into a distinct, complex indivial.

Chicago Sun-Times | Roger Ebert
The wedding sequence... is a virtuoso stretch of filmmaking: Coppola brings his large cast onstage so artfully that we are drawn at once into the Godfather's world.

San Francisco Chronicle | Edward Guthmann
In scene after scene -- the long wedding sequence, John Marley's bloody discovery in his bed, Pacino nervously smoothing down his hair before a restaurant massacre, the godfather's collapse in a garden -- Coppola crafted an enring, undisputed masterpiece. [21 Mar 1997, Daily Datebook, p.C3]

Variety | Staff (Not Credited)
Overlong at about 175 minutes (played without intermission), and occasionally confusing. While never so placid as to be boring, it is never so gripping as be superior screen drama.

㈩ 求一段关于《教父1》的英文影评(500字左右),按题目作答

Speaking of "The Godfather" protagonist Michael's life, many people behaved evaluation is turned into an endless fall, thereby shedding step by step process of the human shell. People always seem to relish the old godfather, said that despite his extraordinary means, but there is still tender feelings of humanity, and Michael almost cruel, cold-blooded, psychotic synonymous. In fact, looking back at "The Godfather", Michael is my understanding of the fate of the most tragic characters, as he was champion of Lu Xun alone, traveled alone in the dark. "The Godfather" Michael is the fate of three main line runs through its ambitious narrative structure has always been praiseworthy man to show the essence of the role of Michael in terms of the mentality or the carrier. Let us remove the head of the godfather of Michael halo, from the perspective of human nature to analyze the tragic fate of his tragic life can be summed up in one word: alone. Can say that the eyes of his father Michael has been a peak. Unlike the third generation of Godfather Michael Vincent, the nature of the desire for power is not fanatical, he is completely out of his father's love of family. He once said that I do not want to be like him, but I love him. The pure love, so that after the accident he heard his father, desperate to protect their loved ones. Found in his father arrived at the hospital had been shot once again facing the danger, the camera shows the most touching scene: he fell on his father bedside, gently stroking his father's old face, said nothing, Dad, I to protect you, me and you. Then kissed his father's forehead, leaving the father could not move his party tears. In the most perilous moment the whole family, the father life threatening at any moment, he can not consider all of the sacrifices made by their own, decided to take on drug lords and the police chief to remove the task. Please note that before this he had never directly intervene in family affairs. We see the end of the second firm flash gyrus Michael leave school to join the army already had on their future plans, but now all been actively involved in family affairs, people stand to one side, and to destroy his life by Michael the expense of the future to restore his father's life. Videos in shaping the image of Michael is very attention to the use of eyes, this is Pacino the actor's greatness. Michael has been very firm eyes watching the same direction, many people commented that you looked at his empty eye hole, there will be chilling feeling, but in Michael to shoot drug dealers and the police chief, his eyes is the only time when scattered. He did not watch each other, but bowed his head, such as constantly looking for something out of the window with the sound of approaching trains, the atmosphere more and more nervous, but Michael's eyes are more free, finally, he decided to carry a decision on the fate of his hand fired the bullet. This is a major focus of rendering is to show Michael the biggest turning point in the fate of the psychological state of temporary confusion in his eyes he can see how intense the ongoing ideological struggle, because he has to pay, is his life. After this point, as his solemn eyes, Michael embarked on a path of no re-added. Father has been strongly opposed to his involvement in family affairs, in his post-injury to get rid of the enemies heard that Michael, the lens appears in her father's fading face, shook his head and closed his eyes and I sigh, as the father of Shangqie Michael's future has been destroyed bitter, Michael how much I have to bear the pain? But Michael never showed it. Godfather in the old garden talk with Michael in that scene, the camera is very clever deal, the two of them one after the other, suggesting the transfer of the last two generations, the father of the lens front, said: I did not want you to interfere in the hope that Can you come out ahead, I hope you can become governor of Lyon. And in late position to think about Michael at this time is no longer simple, he has to play alone, from the family's affairs. On the one hand, he assured the family to console his father, one must also work hard to achieve his father hoped he was the head has become the legitimate hopes of the world's elite, the phrase I tell you I can support the live, I can require much perseverance in the back support ah! After the death of his father, Michael can be more alone in his soul who no longer fit with them, the only position to understand the situation of living in The Godfather father passed away, this feeling in the second part of the Michael the performance of a dialogue with the mother head. Very dark color processing room, the only light is lit the flame of the fireplace Michael half of the face, indicate that he is extremely ambivalent. He asked his mother: the idea of telling my father, he is very strong, For the family firm, the family he failed before? ... ... This is not my loss, but the entire family out. Mother said: You can not let the whole family out ah. Can be said that the important task of the whole family to bear by one Michael, he has been trying to make his strong, in order not to lose the family and strong, but the firm was behind poignant loneliness. Michael from man to the godfather of the transformation process is to some extent reflected the lives of everyone it? Perhaps the tragedy of life and human nature alone, is really the fate of mankind. People - Godfather Review of Michael's life, we must ask that this tragic and lonely thing behind it? What caused the tragedy of Michael it? I think people with power, institutional and social opposition between the eternal. Human nature is complex, because people always in the id, ego, superego constant balance. This balance involves not only indivials, but has a more complex social reasons. Person as an indivial, in the process of integration will continue to lose their own nature, and Michael is even more special, because he has to complete one from a pure to the changing role of godfather. This shift was looking forward to the family and other factors continue to contribute to society's expectations. In this process, factors to suppress the self to a minimum, because the more a person to become part of the established rules, the more to rece the proportion of self. In this conversion, he faces is a powerful system, but the special nature of the role of godfather to Michael Powers and evil must be faced with the problem throughout society, in which the relationship between human nature is fully reflected in the dark side, the indivial person's role in this most vulnerable groups have to face their own form from the darkest abyss, if you can not be part of it, it can only become a victim of its reality. The abyss has a religious aura, has a shocking and bloody, with the cloak of civilization, but the deepest of which is the integration of evil human nature. Group of people who are poor from the ancient hard to survive in the natural environment of the important reasons to the present, but also human nature to become the best stage show. Relations in groups, to establish a balance between the human constraints of the system, but the rule-makers and actors out of the same nature, which determined that the nature of the system. However, this system has a strong binding to human, they do not act according to the system will be eliminated, so the people will never have to sacrifice their own sake only system, it is also this makes Michael constantly lose sight of yourself to be thrown into darker situation. If in the first "Godfather" in Connie's children to complete in the holy water of baptism wash away that Michael to the baptism of blood at the same time completed the transformation from the indivial to the Godfather, if he does not do that, his life offerings will be another evil, which, in essence, reveals the top of power between the human relationship. "The Godfather" to express a character through which, in fact, the problem of all mankind, the indivial is helpless, they can not escape the old godfather said he is fighting the end of their refusal to become a big shot in the hands of the doll, the one is to become the so-called big man, Michael also followed such a trajectory, the tragedy for the indivial as the only means to survive. In such circumstances, the indivial alone with nature is always a state of mind, which in this environment is still the only source of conscience, which alone comes from indivial and group conflict can never be reconciled, the person impossible for the integration of groups than when alone, because the group is the integration of me, but always the potential of self mind, silently looking at everything, which is why people are the cause of indivial existence. Self by various factors from the extrusion group, faced with the expense of their own at any time for a balanced position. It is the only support comes from the kinship of mankind, this is the only pure natural relationship, a real dilemma when faced with the export of the ideal, always hopes future generations, or to find a soul all his actions support, this is one of the human virtues, completely without the purpose of self-sacrifice exists only in such a relationship. However, when people have lost their last hope that when everything is completely back to the dark abyss, lonely and always linger in the mind become inescapable in the state. Michael from man to the godfather of the transformation process is to some extent reflected the lives of everyone it? Perhaps the tragedy of life and human nature alone, is really the fate of mankind.

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