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发布时间: 2022-10-03 02:48:04

⑴ 5部健康积极向上的英文原版电影的故事大概内容(英文版,用词尽量简单)

do re me还是比较好唱音乐之声中的《do re me》和《雪绒花》短小而活泼的歌曲《哆来咪》来自经典音乐电影《音乐之声》。
http://ke..com/view/840748.htmlEdelweiss, edelweiss,
Every morning you greet me.
Small and white,
Clean and bright,
You look happy to meet me.
Blossom of snow,
May you bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever.
Edelweiss, edelweiss,
Bless my homeland forever.
该影片因劳拉出色的演绎获奥斯卡金像奖。http://ke..com/view/253900.htm 狗咬狗结尾的歌曲是《YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE》, http://ke..com/view/110321.htm?fr=ala0_1

⑵ 有什么英文电影,内容健康,积极向上,有利于成长。


⑶ 各位大神能推荐哪部美剧或者英语电影的片段呢,最好积极向上还有三分钟的

《死亡诗社》(<Dead Poets Society>)

⑷ 有哪些乐观,热爱生活积极向上的电影人物或者是电影 欧美的


风雨哈佛路(Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story)是美国一部催人警醒的励志电影。影片由Peter Levi执导,索拉·伯奇(Thora Birch)、迈克·里雷(Michael Riley)等主演。 影片介绍了一位生长在纽约的女孩莉斯(Liz)经历人生的艰辛和辛酸,凭借自己的努力,最终走进了最高学府的经历。

⑸ 有什么好的英文电影要积极向上的 适合老师播放给学生看的

死亡诗社 名字有点吓人,不过内容很健康。讲的是一个教诗歌的老师用他与众不同教学方法教育学生要学会自己思考,而不是盲目听从权威。于是他的同学组织了一个秘密诗社:死亡诗社。

⑹ 积极向上的英文电影有哪些·~~


⑺ 求一篇电影英文简介,题材要积极向上一点的,初二学生。不要太难啊~最好控制在两分钟左右。帮帮忙~急用~



Braveheart is a 1995 Academy-award(奥斯卡奖) winning historical action-drama film(历史题材动作片) proced and directed by Mel Gibson, who also starred in the title role(主角). The film was written for screen(银屏) and then novelized(被写成小说) by Randall Wallace. Gibson portrays(扮演) a legendary(传奇的) Scot, William Wallace, who gained recognition(认可) when he came to the forefront(前线) of the First War of Scottish Independence(独立) by opposing(反抗) Edward I of England (portrayed by Patrick McGoohan) and subsequently(随后) abetted(煽动,教唆,支持) by Edward's daughter-in-law(媳妇) Princess Isabelle (played by Sophie Marceau) and a claimant(原告,索赔人,提出要求者) to the Scottish throne(王位,宝座), Robert the Bruce (played by Angus Macfadyen).

The film won five Academy Awards at the 68th Academy Awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture and Best Director, and had been nominated(提名,推荐) for an additional five. The film was proced by Icon Proctions for Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox.

⑻ 好的英语科幻电影(积极向上,新颖)

复仇者联盟 钢铁侠 卑鄙的我 蝴蝶效应 异能 兵人 黑衣人123

忍不住 介绍个你可能看不懂的 禁闭岛

⑼ 哪位大神能够推荐一部四五十分钟左右的英文电影,唯一的要求:内容健康积极向上


⑽ 求一篇英语口语介绍,介绍一部看过的电影,任何一部,内容积极向上就行,加上自己感受,用口语表达2分钟左


Kung Fu Panda is an American animated comedy film released in 2008. After its release it is welcomed by most alts and children and receives very positive and favorable reviews. I think the film is trying to tell us that if you have a dream and hold on to it, you will be successful one day.

The movie is about a lazy, fat and clumsy panda called Po. He helps his goose father in his family noodle shop every day. And his father expects him to take over the shop and tell him the secret ingredient of making noodle soup. However, Po is fanatic of Chinese Kung Fu and is always dreaming to become a Kung Fu fighter.

Everyone is surprised to find the result but they have to accept the reality. Eventually Shifu takes sage advice from Oogway and begins to teach Po martial arts. Po is carefully prepared to fight. But is Tai Lung defeated in the end by the panda? I urge you to find out the result on your own.

In my opinion, the most impressive part of the movie is the sacred Dragon Scroll and the secret ingredient of making noodle soup. When Po is ready to open the sacred Dragon Scroll, which promises great power to its possessor, he finds nothing but blank. He was in despair and everyone is shocked and desperate. So Shifu has to order his students to lead the villagers to safety while he stays to delay Tai Lung for as long as he can. Then Po meets his father on the way back, and unexpectedly his father tells him the secret ingredient of the family's noodle soup: nothing. He explains that things become special when people believe they are. I think this is the theme of the movie. Once you hold a firm belief, you can get what you want.

On the whole, the movie is funny and entertaining. Its theme of “believe in yourself” is loved by the parents. And for alts there are some wonderful actions and sceneries. If you have not watched the Kung Fu Panda, I sincerely recommend you to watch it and enjoy the enthusiastic and funny Panda.

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