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发布时间: 2022-09-28 12:01:12

㈠ 英语翻译:这个电影是讲述了一个真实的故事

This moive tells a real story.

㈡ 这个电影讲述的是………… 用英语怎么说。谢谢。

This film is talking about

㈢ 这部传世经典影片讲述的是在美国南北战争期间郝思嘉与白瑞德之间的爱情故事。这句话用英文怎么说

Gone With the Wind is a classic film about the love story between Scarlett O'hara and Rhett Butler ring the American Civil War.
It received eight major awards in the 12th Oscar including: best actress in a leading role, best actress in a supporting role, best director,best film editor, best picture, best art director, best cinematographer and best script writer.

㈣ "它讲述的是。。。。。"用英语怎么说

This paper/story/... described ...
This paper/story/... is about ...
It is about ...

It is said that 是据说的意思,一般是用来陈述客观事实的。

㈤ 这部电影很好地讲述了中国故事,便于他们了解。用英文

this film tells a story that few puppies go wrong into a spaceship and then fly to the moon. After few adventures, they finally get back to the earth.

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