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發布時間: 2022-06-13 12:41:50

㈠ 電影《後會無期》英文名為什麼叫The Continent

大家都知道the+n.代表一類人,比如the youth是年輕人的意思,所以the continent的意思不是大陸,而是刻意不去相見的人的意思。

㈡ 電影《後會無期》英文名為什麼要翻譯成the continent

The Continent 的意思即「大陸」。

㈢ 後會無期為什麼翻譯成the continent是一種意譯嗎

不是,Continent 是大陸的意思,和後會無期沒關系。要不是寫錯了,就是這句話不是你想得那樣短的。

㈣ 後會無期故事簡介英文版

The Continent
The story begins in the fictional China easternmost island''Dongji island ",Mental retardation, young Hu Sheng (Gao Huayang decoration) on his two brothers -- Ma Haohan (William Feng decoration) and rivers (Berlin Chan decorated) story.Back home in the outside world nova, after many years, Haohan only to find the island facing demolition, and his best friend, the island's only teacher rivers will be transferred to the more remote areas.So Hao Han made a decision, that is to drive rivers to more than 3000 kilometers outside the school report。The three brothers embarked on a hitherto unknown journey, the way they see as extras childhood playmate Zhou mo (Joe Chen decoration), fall into a wrong path of Sumi (Wang Luodan ornaments), and Han ho never meet the right years pen pal Liu Yingying (Yuan Quan ornaments), and the Bohemian motorcyclists o Lu (Zhong Hanliang decoration),Seemingly ordinary journey but hidden foreshadowing, Hao and rivers eventually come to an end, began a different courses of life.

㈤ 電影後會無期外文名為什麼是 Continent


㈥ 「後會無期」用英語怎樣翻譯

Never to see you again

㈦ 後會無期 英語翻譯

後會有期 We'll meet again some day.

後會無期 We will not meet again some day.

㈧ 電影《後會無期》英文名為什麼要翻譯成the Continent

The Continent 的意思即「大陸」。

㈨ 如何用英語翻譯《後會無期》

可以說:Never Meet Again
或者:Once part, forever miss.一朝離別,思念無限

㈩ 後會無期用英語怎麼說

never meet again!

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