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發布時間: 2022-06-13 09:01:10

① 打英文動畫片或電影的好詞好句記下來嗎



_verything on the farm was wet on a foggy morning. The grass looks like a magic carpet. The reed fields over there are like a forest of silver.


② 英語動漫電影10句優美句子。

Then he swallowed.And then he spoke.Enough talk.Let's fight.
2:我們該怎麼報答你呢?How can we re-pay you?
3:"路見不平,拔刀相助" 無需回報!There is no charge for awesomeness.
Sorry Dad.Sorry,doesn't make the Noodles.
5:武林大會正式開始!Let the tournament begin!
If you want to compete with someone ,compete with yourself.
7:做到比昨天好一點點:Do a little bit better than that.
8:just do the best you possiblely can:盡全力做到做好!
9:Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.選擇朋友要審慎,摒棄更要審又慎.
10:Thy friend has a friend and thy friend's friend has a friend so be discreet.你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要謹慎小心.

③ 80個英文電影或動畫片經典句子


1. 動畫片《Star Trek》(星際旅行)片頭語:Space, the last frontier. These are the voyagers of the starship - Enterprise. Their five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek up new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no man has gone before!

2.美劇《Heros》(超能英雄): Save the cheer-leader, save the world.

3.大部分美劇的片頭提示:Viewer discretion is advized.

4.美劇《Band of brothers》(兄弟連)第十集最後, 里高特翻譯德國將軍的講話:Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You have fought bravely,proudly,for your country. You are a special group, who have found in one another a bond. That exists only in combat. Among brothers, who shared foxholes,held each others in dire moments, who've seen death and suffered together.
I am proud to have served with each one of you.
You all deserve a long and happy life in peace.

5.電影《獨立日》,Will Smith擊落外星人飛船,並打開艙蓋痛扁外星人後的一句:"Welcome to the earth!"

6.美國漫畫《行屍走肉》里,Rick對眾人的一句話:"Zombies are not the walking dead. We are !"

7. 電影《星球大戰》,尤達大師常說的一句:"May the force be with you"

④ 摘抄英文電影《勇敢傳說》6句優美句子


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1KSw4LP1_Uv1-PL4i1XVOQw




⑤ 急求10句英語動畫或電影中的優美句子

《辛德勒的名單》(《Schindler's List》)
( This car, Goeth would have bought this car.Why do I keep the car? Ten people by that, ten people, ten more people. This pin, two people. This is gold, two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. He would have given me one , one more, one more person, person, Stern, for this. I could have got one more person, and I didn't , and I didn't ......)

2、Amon Goeth: They cast a spell on you, you know, the Jews. When you work closely with them, like I do, you see this. They have this power. It's like a virus. Some of my men are infected with this virus. They should be pitied, not punished. They should receive treatment because this is as real as typhus. I see it all the time. It's a matter of money? Hmm?

3、Amon Goeth: Today is history. Today will be remembered. Years from now the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history and you are part of it. Six hundred years ago when elsewhere they were footing the blame for the Black Death, Casimir the Great - so called - told the Jews they could come to Krakow. They came. They trundled their belongings into the city. They settled. They took hold. They prospered in business, science, ecation, the arts. With nothing they came and with nothing they flourished. For six centuries there has been a Jewish Krakow. By this evening those six centuries will be a rumor. They never happened. Today is history.
阿蒙•高斯:今天就是歷史。今天將會被永遠記住。很多年以後年輕人將會對今天充滿好奇。今天就是歷史並且你們就是其中的一部分。六百年前,當他們到處散播對黑死亡的譴責,所謂的大卡西米(Casimir the Great),告訴猶太人他們應該到克拉科夫去。他們來了。他們帶著財產來到這座城市。他們定居下來。他們掌握權利。他們在商業、科學、教育和藝術上興盛起來。沒有他們帶來的東西就沒有他們的繁榮。六個世紀以來,這兒是猶太人的克拉科夫。到今晚為止,這六百年將會是謠言。他們從來沒有發生過。今天就是歷史。

4、Oskar Schindler: Look, All you have to do is tell me what it's worth to you. What's a person worth to you?
Amon Goeth: No, no, no, No. What's one worth to you!
5、Oskar Schindler: I could have got more out. I could have got more. I don't know. If I'd just... I could have got more.
Itzhak Stern: Oskar, there are eleven hundred people who are alive because of you. Look at them.
Oskar Schindler: If I'd made more money... I threw away so much money. You have no idea. If I'd just...
Itzhak Stern: There will be generations because of what you did.
Oskar Schindler: I didn't do enough!
Itzhak Stern: You did so much.

⑥ 請給我一些英文原版動畫電影里的經典台詞,10句以上,在8月20日之前,答得好的有加分

  1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。_——獅子王

  2. I』m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn』t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的時候才會勇敢,勇敢並不代表你要到處闖禍。——獅子王

  3. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 對,過去是痛楚的,但我認為你要麼可以逃避,要麼可以向它學習。——獅子王

  4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果這個世界對你不理不睬,你也可以這樣對待它。——獅子王

  5. You can』t change the past. 過去的事是不可以改變的。——獅子王

  6. I』ll make it up to you, I promise. 我會補償你的,我保證。——獅子王

  7. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危險就越合我心意。——獅子王

  8. This is my kingdom. If I don』t fight for it, who will? 這是我的國土,我不為她而戰斗,為誰呢?——獅子王

  9. It』s like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而復生似的。——獅子王

  10. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我為何要相信你?你所說的一切都是謊話。——獅子王

⑦ 《魔發奇緣》里一些優美的、含義深刻的句子,這是一部英文動畫片,所以我要英文句子,10句,謝謝!!

《I See The Light 》
All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing
Just how blind I've been
Now I'm here,blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here,suddenly I see
Standing here,it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be
And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you
All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here,suddenly I know
If she's here,it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go
And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog is lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once,everything is different
Now that I see you,now that I see you

⑧ 英語動畫片有趣的句子(兩部每部至少摘抄5句)

-The cold never bothered me anymore. 嚴冬已經無法再困擾我。
-Please don't slam the door.You don』t have to keep your distence anymore. Cause for the first time forever,I finally understand;for the first time forever, we can fix this hand in hand.
-An act of ture love will thaw a frozen. 真愛可以拯救一顆被冰封的心。

-Love is putting someone else's needs before yours, like you know.像你所知道的,愛是把對方的需要放在自己需要之前。
-Some people are worth melting . 有些人自願融化/犧牲。

-One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to aviod it.
-When he walks, the very ground sha! 舉手投足,地動山搖!
-To take his strength and use it against him. 出其不意攻其不備。
-This is what you traned me for. 養兵千日用兵一時。

-The mark of a ture hero is humility. 真英雄無不謙遜有加。

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