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發布時間: 2022-11-29 21:43:25

A. 寫一篇關於推薦英文電影給好友的一封信

Dear my friend,
I have just watched an excellent movie , and now I want to introce it to you . The name of the movie is Harry Potter . It's really a good movie not only because of its exciting story , but also because it's a very ecative movie . From the movie , I learned the importance of friendship , and also why a person needs to be courageous . So I want you to watch it , too . You can't fail it!
With best wishes,

B. 好看的英文電影有哪些能不能推薦幾部





C. 用書信的格式給朋友介紹電影 英語70詞,急急急!!

Dear YeShuyingAs one of your closest friend, I'm writing the letter in purpose of recommending one of my favorite movies to you:《 Around the World in Eighty Days》。
The primary factors for my recommendation as as follows. For one thing, this is a movie of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an English gentleman,Mr. Phileas Fogg, who makes a bet with his clubmates and managers to travel around the world in eighty days. For another, it gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his journey。
Wish you enjoy the movie. Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
liu Guoqing


D. 想要日本電影《情書》的英語簡介及獲獎記錄,英語課要用,不要用翻譯器翻譯,謝謝,盡量長一點,優美一點

Love Letter is a 1995 Japanese film directed by Shunji Iwai, and starring Miho Nakayama. The main male roles were played by Etsushi Toyokawa as Akiba Shigeru and Takashi Kashiwabara as the male Itsuki Fujii.
Love Letter became a box-office hit in Japan and later in other east Asian countries, most notably South Korea where it was one of the first Japanese films to be shown in cinemas since World War II.
The story is about a love letter sent to her fiance in heaven out of sad memory.Surprisingly, she received a reply from someone with the same name. The correspondence continued. Graally a quietly buried pure unrequited love was uncovered. Then, remeniscence of the past and the love at present intertwined into a poignantly beautiful and passinately deep love.

The film had won:
1996 Japanese Academy Awards - Newcomer of the Year (Miki Sakai)
1996 Japanese Academy Awards - Newcomer of the Year (Takashi Kashiwabara)
1996 Japanese Academy Awards - Most Popular Performer (Etsushi Toyokawa)
1996 Blue Ribbon Awards - Best Actress (Miho Nakayama)
1996 Kinema Junpo Awards – Best Film (Shunji Iwai)
1995 Hochi Film Awards - Best Actress (Miho Nakayama)
1995 Hochi Film Awards - Best Supporting Actor (Etsushi Toyokawa)
1995 Toronto Film Festival - Audience Award

E. 用書信的方式寫一篇介紹一部電影的英語作文 250字。求速度。寫得好的額外加分。急。周一需要。謝謝

Dear Mary,
Thank you for your letter which make me happy all the day. Today I want to show you a movie. I watched a movie which is a pure love story full of sentiment and affection named 「Under the Hawthorn Tree」 yesterday and it moved me very much. It is directed by ZhangYiMou, a very famous director in China. And it is adapted from the popular novel Hawthorn Tree Forever.
Set in the 1970s ring the Cultural Revolution (1966-76), the novel Hawthorn Tree Forever is based on a true story about a young city girl named Jing with a condemned political background who falls in love with a young man Sun (Lao San)from a high-profile family when she goes to the countryside to be re-ecated. Jing`s age and social standing prevent the two from being together until she graates and gets a secure job in the city. Sun continues to support Jing and they date secretly before Sun is diagnosed with leukemia and dies.
「Waiting」 is one of the main subject in this movie. Jing and Sun never say 「I love you」 to each other, but we can feel their love to each other everywhere. When I watched the movie, many times I fell into tears, I am deeply moved by the love by LaoSan. He is such a kind of person: He will find all the reasons to come to meet Jing; He will help her to finish many work not known by others; he will be there whenever Jing meets difficulties; he can always know what Jing likes to eat and what is her lack of; he can give a cut on his arm to force Jing go to the hospital for her feet injury… etc. To love her, he promise to wait until Jing is 25, one year and a month later, though he thinks this as a hard time of torture. The last scene is moving most, when Jing wear the red clothes made by the cloth Sun chose for her, and ran to the hospital to see Sun before his death, all asked Jing to call Sun,then Sun will know she comes to meet him then he can leave this world with ease. Jing Qiu ran to the bed, but full of tears and don』t know how to call Sun , yes, Jing never call Sun before, Sun told her that whenever she says 「I am JingQiu」 then he will be there. So Jing Qiu only shouted with tears 「I am JingQiu」 「I am JingQiu」 … at the last second of Sun』s death, Sun open his eyes and looks up, from his sight, Jing finds the picture, the only picture taken before they took together..and in it, both them were smiling brightly.. Sun diesd from cancer at last, he left a message to Jing 「 I am sorry that I can』t wait for you for one year and a month, I can』t wait wait till you are 25, however I will wait for you for my life…」 I don』t know what is the life like of Jing without Sun, but I believe, this will be an unforgettable love in her minds till death.. she never call him even when he was dying.. I think at that time, she may be regret, why never thought what to call Sun when he is alive, why not cherish more when they were together? Only misunderstandings and waiting… I am moved by their love, simple things but moving… life is short, sometimes life is cruel ,maybe when you wake up to realize clearly about something, you don』t have time.
Maybe you can find some time to enjoy it? I believe that you would like the movie.
Well, it is late now and time to sleep. Enjoy your day there and be in good.
Your friend forever,

山楂樹之戀 看可以不?

F. 探險類電影推薦信100字

探險類電影《南極大冒險 》Eight Below 美國 2006 影片表現了狗對人的友誼與忠誠,堅韌與希望。故事發生在狂暴風雪肆虐著的南極大地,冰天雪地的南極迎來了三個科考隊員,他們要前來搜尋一塊隕石,隨行的還有八條雪橇狗。幾天之後,南極迎來了一場暴風雪,一名隊員掉進薄冰的冰水裡面,危在旦夕,幸好有雪橇狗的救援。不久之後,狂暴的風雪再次席捲著整個南極大地。隊員進退兩難。其他隊員也陷入生命絕境,在生命與友誼的抉擇中。他們選擇了友誼。在這個信任與友誼缺乏的當今時代。《南極大冒險》讓我們明白友誼永遠不過時。狗狗的忠誠與信任。是最好的見證。當你蹬一座山,過一條河的時候,最精彩的部分不是重復已知,而是發現未知。」 我們會發現,原來我們很幸運遇見不一樣的風景。強烈推薦,奧利給!

G. 怎麼用英語介紹日本電影《情書》求助。。

Japan" image author" in Shunji Iwai's classic movie. The movie narrated a letter was sent to the kingdom of heaven out of grief and love letters, but big surprise received the namesake reply, and graally digging out a deep for many years but always silent pure unrequited love, after the case is entirely cleared. The past and present love winding out a beautiful love love love. " Love letter" is inspired by the Lingmuqingshun1959 self-titled video" Love Letter". Shunji Iwai thought that memories are pushing yourself a better man. Most people think that the past is the past, now is now, they are no relation. A time, remember the past, we will find some past and present involvement, in turn influence of their own now.
日本「映像作家」岩井俊二所導演的經典電影。電影敘述一封原本出於哀思而寄往天國的情書,卻大出意料收到同名同姓的回信,並且逐漸挖掘出一段深埋多年卻始終沉靜的純真單戀,真相大白之後前塵往事與今時愛戀纏繞出了一段痴情凄美的摯愛情深。《情書》的靈感來自鈴木清順1959年的同名短片《Love Letter》。岩井俊二認為回憶是推動自己的一大原動力。一般人以為過去是過去,現在是現在,兩者互無關系。某個時機,回憶起過去的事情,自然會發現一些過去與現在的連帶關系,反過來影響了現在的自己。

H. tim給你推薦了幾部英語電影,你寫信表示感謝英語作文

Thank you for your sharing. I think they must be great interesting and worthing watching.

I. 寫一篇介紹電影的英語作文



"Eight hundred" is a war film proced by Huayi Brothers Film Co., Ltd. and Beijing seven impression culture media Co., Ltd.


Directed by Guan Hu, Huang Zhizhong, Ou Hao, Wang Qianyuan, Jiang Wu, Zhang Yi, Du Chun, Wei Chen, Li Chen, Yu Haoming, etc.


At the end of the battle of Songhu in 1937, the fierce war between China and Japan had lasted for three months, and Shanghai was on the verge of being occupied.


The "800 heroes" were ordered to stay in Zhabei, Shanghai, and fought hard for four days at the Sihang warehouse on the Bank of Suzhou River. They were ordered to withdraw to the British concession on October 30.


影片評價(Film evaluation)——


The film broadens the dimension of our understanding of heroes. Before they sacrifice their lives for righteousness, they also have ordinary, even inlgent cowardice and struggle.


The characterization of "eight hundred" adopts the technique of group portrait. There are more than 20 main characters alone, but this also makes it impossible to remember the main characters.

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