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發布時間: 2022-09-28 09:53:07

❶ 他們今晚去看電影(翻譯英語)

They go to watch movie tonight.
They don't go to watch movie tonight.
Do they go to watch movie tonight?
Yes,they go to watch movie tonight.
No,they don't go to watch movie tonight.

❷ 他們打算今天晚上去看電影英文

They are going to watch movie tonight.

❸ 後天他們打算看電影用英語will怎麼說

They are going to see the film the day after tomorrow
be going to 含有「計劃,准備」的意思,而 will 則沒有這個意思,
be going to 表示近期、眼下就要發生的事情,will 表示的將來時間則較遠一些

❹ 我打算今晚去看電影。翻譯成英文急急急

I will watch a movie tonight.
I am about to watch a movie tonight.(推薦這個用法)

❺ 懷特老師和沙拉打算今晚去看電影用英文怎麼說

Miss white and sally are going to see a film tonight


❻ 下周末他們打算做什麼 他們打算看電影。 英語怎麼寫!

What are they going to do this Sunday?

Does they plan to watch the moves?yes.they does.

不知道你滿不滿意 望採納 謝謝

❼ 我打算今晚去看電影的英文怎麼寫

I'm going to the movies tonight

❽ 我打算今晚去看電影翻譯成英語怎麼說

I'm going to the movies tonight

❾ 我打算今晚去看電影的英文怎麼寫

I intend to go to the movies tonight

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